1- I hate my job? No I love it.
2- I don't like the people I'm working with? No, they are all friendly, I like them.
3- Is my job boring? No.
4- Is it waking up so early in the morning? Maybe, what if work starts @ 10 am, will it make a difference? I don't think so. Will optional work hours solve the problem? I don't know.
What do I want exactly?
I wish I can once wake up in the morning feeling good and excited about going to work! it will never happen I know!
off the topic:
* Where did the rain go? I miss it ;(
1st of all good luck with ur 1st say at work after the break sweety : *
2nd did u try changing ur sleeping pattern ?
i find it easier to start my day if i was awake early enough that im able to eat my breakfast, read newspaper, surf the web etc.. then go off to sch./work ..
it changes my mood a lot ; )
I love waking up early, i always put an idea i would look forward to it so that i would wake up Smiling .. well maybe am a morning person .. Change the way you think and you morning's would change :D
maybe u lack sleeping? or ur not a morning person?
I know how you feel...tell me about it!
well, try to sleep early so you can wake up early easily and go to work.. find something that gets you excited at work so you won't feel bored... and it's not just you, bas everyone love their pillow in the morning bas they hve to work.
سورة النبأ، جزء ثلاثين:وجعلنا الليل لباسا، و جعلنا النهار معاشا
P.ANONYMOUS: waking up for breakfast before school/work => never done it in my entire life :p i wish i can do it i think you're right and im just a lazy person :p thnx sweety :)
Pincess Famme: hmmm change the way i think :p okay i will give it a try, i'll try to think about something tonight :)))
zuz: or maybe a lazy person yabelha kaf mn el 9eb7 :p
Amu: thnx for the moral support :))
i needed this
Think-Become: i sleep at 10 o still i want to sleep more lol ... + I soooo love my pillow in the morning .. yes we have to work bl nahar :)
Because work is a chore.... a routine... and routines are beyond boring........!! UGH!!!
i really wish that work could start @10.00 and finish later..
seriously2009: so true, i think its the routine! yes
A Journal Entry: its a nice idea :p but staying till 6 pm will be killing ... i'll get depressed
i guess its because ur not a morning person .. are u ? ;p
i miss the rain too ;\
+ etha ma 6ag mo6ar ya3ni mako fage3 hal sena :p
ana yabeli a7ad ya36eeni kaf el 9eb7 :p
o yes walla when is it gonna rain??
Maybe it's just boredom
Usually this means you're not so much passionate about your job. When you dont look forward to next morning, or wake up side it already is!
Programmers however are popular for being night creatures, and someone who isn't is the weirdo.
So perhaps you're just fine :). Problem with flexible hours though is, you can opt out then. You get used to it and it's not healthy social life :)
I hear ya. Allah y3eenik. Something about work is just repulsing.
3baidsblog: one of the reasons akeed
Bashar: althu i like my job but maybe im bored or its the cold weather in the morning or ...
"Programmers however are popular for being night creatures"
true how i can write code at 8 am in the morning! :p im doing it anyway :p
as for the flexible hours, its good that i'm forced to work from 8 to 4, i know someone who was working at a company with flexible working hours, his life was was a mess, starts @ 1=2 pm and finishes @ 10-12 pm :S => sick
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