I'm reading a book called "My Stroke of Insight" and while reading chapter 3 (Hemispheric Asymmetries) I remembered taking this test to know which hemisphere do I use more. It's interesting :)
Some Facts from the book (chapter 3):
* Over 85% of the right handed people in the U.S. are left hemisphere dominant and over 60% of left handed people are also left hemisphere. (I'm a left handed person with a right hemisphere dominance) .
* The right hemisphere is all about capturing the moment (feel, smell, taste ... ) while the left hemisphere is all about capturing the details (time, order, reason, dimension, patterns ... ).
* The right hemishphere is concerned about the big picture while the left hemisphere is concerned about the details and more details about the details.
* Your left hemisphere is the center of your ego. It provides you with an internal awareness of who you are.
* The right hemisphere complements the left hemisphere language center by interpreting the non-verbal communication. the right hemisphere evaluates the tone, facial expression and body language.
* People can live normally with with one cerebral hemisphere only.
* The right hemisphere is all about capturing the moment (feel, smell, taste ... ) while the left hemisphere is all about capturing the details (time, order, reason, dimension, patterns ... ).
* The right hemishphere is concerned about the big picture while the left hemisphere is concerned about the details and more details about the details.
* Your left hemisphere is the center of your ego. It provides you with an internal awareness of who you are.
* The right hemisphere complements the left hemisphere language center by interpreting the non-verbal communication. the right hemisphere evaluates the tone, facial expression and body language.
* People can live normally with with one cerebral hemisphere only.

If you see the lady spinning clockwise know that you have used your right hemisphere otherwise (anti-clockwise) it's your left hemisphere. (Source)
tell me which hemisphere do you use more
tell me which hemisphere do you use more
I used to be left brained before college..
then I became right brained..
now I can see the pic move in any direction I want ;p
but now I naturally see it going clockwise :D
and it's good to have u posting again ;)
Judging by the shape of the Gastrocnemius Muscle (ba66at el reel), she seems to be going counter-clockwise.
Thanks Aurous :)
MBH: i can only see her going clock-wise ... u've used ur left brain
its amazing
I don't see her moving ...
that means my brain isn't working
looooool !
e7m ...
clock wise
Actually, I saw her going both ways, but I was concentrating on finding which way made more sense (to me).
When I first saw the pic, I was expecting the image to be moving; when it didn't, I thought there was something wrong with the picture or browser :p
Took me a few seconds to realize what you meant... hehehe.
well I see her turning clockwise!
wAllah interesting book choices you have here Nemo :P I'm still looking for the Arabic one you recommended :P but I'll keep those in mind too.
thanks :)
OK... I can swear I was seeing her clockwise, then suddenly I saw her turning anti-clockwise and can't see it the old way anymore :/
Analyze that!
you make use of both of them :p
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