- The Kite Runner. (very touching, powerful story, moving and gripping story that is hard to put down).
- Thousand Splendid Suns. (loved it even more than the first one, this story will break your heart).
I have also downloaded the movie "The Kite Runner". I'm going to watch it tonight.
As for February's list, I'm still gonna use January's list in addition to the additional recommendations I got. If you have something new or something you forgot to add please list it :).
I'll be working on February's list.
My favorite place to read now is Marina waves - Living Room.
I so loved the idea of reading 2 books a month :) so Thank You again for helping me :)
I LOVE THE MOVIE KITE RUNNER.. THE BOOK is a good read too!!;P bas the movie 3ajeeb they don't talk english bas it's amazing!!
1: Congrats on the new place. I did go to it once, I recalled your post there really. Nice place to read. Though I think I have a problem about reading in cafes... something about being comfortable. I'll give it a shot maybe anyhow.
2: Congrats you really managed to do 2 books/month I really wanna do that. I didn't finish 1 audio book this month (I got a very long one!) that I paused my audible subscription. I wanna read aside of listening as well.
3: You seem to have a taste for novels, so I'm not sure my recommendations would match your taste but... here we go (adding my chances of being picked a bit futher...)
7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Steven Covey: Nice for improving your inside and way of dealing with others. The synergy part 1+1 >= 3
Confessions of an Economic Hitman: I'm not into politics, but my friend recommended this as an audio book. From the first few minutes you could easily tell, it's worth it!
It's real biography and memories of a special hired economic hitman EHM whose role involves traveling to various countries, making development studies such as power generation, and then playing with numbers to reflect high projections. Many countries eat the bait, take the project as large multi-billion dollar loan and then drown in debt. There, US demands UN votes, natural resources access, and military bases.
This guy's been to various places like Ecuador, Panama, Kuwait (though no details here), Saudi Arabia, Iran at time of revolution, Iraq and many others.
The book was delayed for 20 years because of bribes or threats. He finally decided to move forward no matter what.
OMG... i wrote a post!
Hope there is no censorship here :P
ive heard the living room place is nice...maybe ill visit it soon =)
im gonna start a thousand splendid suns soon...ive had it for more than a year now oo mako wagt agra =(
i saw the movie kite runner...i couldnt stop crying even though i never cry in movies =(
bs its really really good =D
oh btw,
what u planning to read for next month?
All of a sudden, Living Room customers increase, its too crowded, and not fun anymore :P
At least, it will all be bloggers :)
i watched the movie bas i haven't read the novel, i think i'm going to get it, and yes i love staying in living room in general
I didn't feel like reading a thousand splendid suns... you made me change my mind..
I'll try to start it once I finish a couple of the books in my pile :D
Daemon. Book review here.
I watched the Kite Runner in the plane,
while X was asleep in the next seat..
tears poured shamelessly like heavy rain,
And my heart felt heavy with each beat..
TOOTA: yeah it is :) and the book also was super :)
1) Thanks :) I do have a problem too but whats different is that Marina waves is somehow isolated and thats why its kind of good.
2) Thanks :), hmmm try something light, maybe it will motivate you to read more ..
3) hmmm actually i read everything but maybe i have a thing for biographies :)
THANKS ALOT REALLY for all your recommendations im keeping them and im so interested specially the second one and from last month, the bill gates book ... Im just banning myself from ordering online until march :p but really whatever you think of please list it :))))))
ĐǻñĎõøðñ: if you liked the kite runner then you really should go for thousand splendid suns you won't regret it :D
my reading list => will post tomorrow .. i went to virgin today and picked two books :)
and living room is good :)
Bashar: looooool
On-The-Rocks: inshalla u'll enjoy it :)
any recommendations for me? :p
Aurous: nooo you should read it and then tell me what u think :)))
MBH: Thankssssssss :))) will check it now :D
Glitter: its saad know ;( ... thousand splendid suns is about women this time ... u'll feel more related to it, i find it even better than the kite runner, the movie is coming out this year too :)
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