update: Thank you for all you comments :)) I'm much better now.
I asked the doctor how many glasses of water we should have during the day and his answer was that "the only way to check if you're having enough amount of water is from checking the color of your urine. it should be light".
Lalaa.. salamaat, ajir w 3afya enshallah
i had the stone problem last year too;\, and it was reallyyy painful, you should do a surgery to remove em, o salamaat;*
with water you build up your body ability to with_hold it, it would be shwayya hard in the first few days, later your body will adjust on it, weekends is a perefect time to start cause you can go to the bathroom any time
salamat sweety:*
salamaaaat w matshofeen shar
I'm one of the people who forget to drink water for days :\
Ma tshoofy shar Nemo.
The only liquid I get is the one in my coffee =/
وييي ما تشوفين شر
ديري بالج وحطي يمج ماي عشان تذكرين تشربينه على طول :>
weeeh salamaaaaat dear ma tshoofeen shar =/
salamat! hope you feel better soon.
and thanks for the advice..i really need it. now i keep a bottle of water with myself at all times...i just don't feel thirsty! :(
Get well soon :(
Good practice is to have water bottles rather than central water cooler. This encourages you to drink more often on the go. Kinda wireless.
slamaaaat o ma tshufeen shar
yeah you're right .. i always try 2 drink as much as i can
Matshofeen shar Nemo
oooooooouch allah i3eenich ... matchofeen shar inshallah
Salamat Nemo, ma tshofeen shar!
for me I cannot live without it.. I know some people who doesn't like water at all, it sounds strange for me but they really hate it! imagine?
salaaamaaat.. matshofeen shar inshallah...
Don't believe this 6-8 liter of water a day hoax.
It's not proven medically, but it's good practice to make it a habit to drink often. I gobble 6x 0.5 liter bottles a day.
Bad bypass you.
you've been tagged :*
Wee salamat :(
it's kinda ironic, needing to drink a lot of water, since ur a lovely cute fishy called nemo :p
Anyways, drink lots and lots and lots of cranberry juice, it has some effect on the kidney stones, my father had been in the hospital over the summer for kidney stone removal and one of my friends who is a long sufferer of kidney stones gave me that tip...
Get well soon dear :*
salamtech ma tsohfen shar dear ;*
walla omi kella t7en 3lay 3shan ashrab may ;\
ya rabi ma ashrab may .. madri shasawi eb 3mri ;\
salamaaat oo ma tshofeeen shar, get well soon inshalla oo deeri balich 3ala nafsich, aham shy 9i7itich... balgheeena when you get better... rest for now..
I try to, as much as i can..
O salamtik! ma tshofeen shar enshallah!
Salamaat dear, ajir w 3afya nshallah.
Always keep a bottle of water with you wherever you go, and no refills - not healthy!
ouch man !
i hope u get well soooon =*
i drink bss one cup of water each day * puppy eyes *
I had the same prob. sallamat
Tagged :)
Zon: thnx im fine now al7emdella :)
zuz: it is painful bs ashwa it wasn't that big fa i didn't need a surgery, the dc said that i should consider it as a warning
Someday: yesss the difficult part was going to the bathroom :S o thnx im feeling much better :))
Aurous: thnx and you should really start drinking water :S lazem
byteofcoffee: SAME HERE :) btw i so love your ur nickname!!!! my number 1 fav blogger nickname :)
bent_el_deera: thnx alot :) im keeping a bottle of water next to me all the time now :)
A Journal Entry: thnx :)) im much better now al7emdella :)
sadia: thnx and yes you should drink water all the time, in the cold weather i don't feel thirsty too but i force myself :)
Bashar: thanks :)) yes thats what im doing .... hopefully im gonna stay like that ..
Hashimoto: thnx :)) yes you should all the time :)
3baidsblog: thnx :)) al7emdella im ok now
S E 7 E N: im feeling good now thnx :))
Technogal: thnxx :)) keep that habit its so healthy .. its not that i dont like water but lets say i always go for other drinks like i start my morning with 3 cups of coffee ... lunch/dinner pepsi .. and so on ... but from now on i'll try to have as much water as i can :)
Stand-Alone~: thanks :)) o thnx for the tag :)))
MBH: thnx :) ... yes true i asked the doctor about that ... you should have as much as you can ...
danderma: looooooooool true!!!! :p
ana amoot 3al b7r bs madri shlon mo ga3da ashrab water :p:p
thnx for the advice, al7emdella it wasn't that big, it is be a warning sign to me ...
Gee: thnx so much :) ... u should drink water as much as you can o zain tsawy el mama :)
On-The-Rocks: thnx :)) im much better now :))
Bliss: thnx :)) you should drink water as much as you can :)
Shaymaa: thnx :)) and thnx for the advice too .. im not refilling at all now ..
libero anima: thnx :)) nooo you should have moreeeee ... much moreee
Amu: thnx :) its painful :S
Ra-1: thnx for the tag :))
8 glasses approximately babe x
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