One of my 2009 resolutions is to solve 2 ACM problems per month. I haven't done that since 2005! The UVa Online Judge offers a wide selection of problems. you can submit your solution in "C, C++, Java, or PASCAL". From my experience => Java is slow, C is hard (String is an array of chars!), C++ was the best, and I don't know PASCAL! I will give Java another shot if not, I'll stick with C++.
I have selected two random problems with high success rates.
10015 - Joseph's Cousin
10019 - Funny Encryption Method
Any one interested? :p
oh good luck with that sweety ..
im totally lost :P
aint into programming myself bas 3indy friends that will be interested, ill link them ur post,
good luck mate
Ah good old days!
I solved 3 in the challenge 3 years back, but that was it. C++ has been erased from my memory. All PHP now.
Good luck!
(Java stinks...)
Java is slower in general than C++, but you make it sound too slow :)
i'm not into programming bas i wish you all the best :)
good luck in that!!
i had a simple c++ Lectures at the university 2 years ago ,,, simple stuff ,,,, am thinking now of getting a detailed Lectures .
maybe after graduation from chemistry =D
P.ANONYMOUS: thanks so much i hope i can finish them before feb :)
nameless: thnx :)) tell your friends cuz its fun :)
MBH: you will only need the basic syntax, i don't remember C++, last write i used it was before 3 years
Java is fancy :p you can't build cute stuff with C and you can't build the linux kernal with java :p
thnx :)
Bashar: last time i couldn't solve anything with Java, C++ was much faster, I'll give it a shot this weekend o lets see
Stand-Alone~: thanks :))
TOOTA: Thanks :))
sinfuleye: I love chemistry :D, good luck bl chemistry :D
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