Yes I went there. It's way below average like every year ;(, I went there looking for basically Arabic novels. I spent around 30 mins, but I'll go again to search for some old novels for my favorite writers. I visited:
دار الساقي
Well known lebanese publisher and has a good collection of books.

رابطة الأدباء
its the place for all Kuwaiti writers.

Here is the best part!!!!! that made my day and its the reason why i posted all of this: I met my FAVORITE WRITER LAILA ALOTHMAN!!!! I love her :))))
nice =)
i didnt even know there was a book fair going on! hehe
I was there too...
It's awful.. and when I ask about any novel I get the same answer: "we're not allowed to bring new novels"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but I have to go every year no matter how awful it is :)
the ones i asked about are not there... got the average ones ... typical "they will be my bedtime stories"
This book fair in Kuwait is always so condensed, which makes me wonder. When was the last time I saw someone reading a book?
is there smthng new of Su3ad alsaba7?
Bashar: last time i saw someone reading mn zmaan!! madri etha its culture related thing bs law mo omi kel sena twadena book fairs o t'7alena negra stories everyday yemken ma kent ra7 agra!
fullofenergy: Su3ad alsaba7 ... yes "dar su3ad alsaba7" is there sheftha elyom
Reading is a gift I missed for years. I realized then how valuable it is.
I've been to the fair however, very bad arrangement. So many empty shops without sellers or even items
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