Monday, November 3, 2008

Donation Time!


Spur said...

ooh 7arakat

Anonymous said...

OMG! soooooooooooooo many!

u werent joking whenu said you had a collection...Wowwwww!!

r u giving them away?!

Nemo said...

ya i have to ... im sure that there are kids around the world who dont have any toys to play with ;(

i already kept the new ones, the ones that i didnt open :)

Anonymous said...

what's up with group of gays in the middle ?
look at them setting together in the middle !!

Nemo said...


Anonymous said...

abeeeeeeeeee !

Nemo said...

ra7aw lool

fe el new ones :p ma 7a6ait their pics :p

Baroque said...
