I had visited Georgia's Aquarium when I was in Atlanta last year. All the pictures were taken inside The Ocean Voyager Exhibit. The viewing window inside is the second largest viewing window in the world. This is one of the most beautiful, breathtaking aquariums.
Ocean Voyager Exhibit Description:
"This exhibit was specially designed to house whale sharks, the largest fish species in the world. Schools of predatory trevally jacks, squadrons of small and large stingrays, enormous goliath grouper and hammerhead sharks all ply the waters of this ocean habitat containing more than six million gallons of saltwater. With 4,574 square feet of viewing windows, a 100-foot-long underwater tunnel, 185 tons of acrylic windows and the second largest viewing window in the world at 23 feet tall by 61 feet wide and 2 feet thick, visitors will have multiple opportunities to view all of these magnificent animals. No other aquarium in the world has ever attempted to manage the variety and size of fish in this major exhibit."
The Aquarium is a must if you ever had the chance to visit Atlanta.
ee hatha el aquarium wella blash mo elli 3ndena ga9een 3alena fi :P
allaaah!! 7ada 3ajeeb!! laish ma 3indina chithy!!!!
shaklah 7iloooo
swera & Summer
hehe bs tara hatha new opened in 05 or 06 .. ours was opened in 99 i think .. my first love :)
Journal Entries:
it is 7lo :) the viewing window is amazing .. i spent 1 hour just sitting and enjoying the view
alaaaah puuurttyyyy !!
Lovely pics really... look pro... for amateur like me at least, so feel free to brag :)
wow that's just awesome :D thanks for sharing hun
Lizzi: Thanks :)
Bashar: Thanks :) I think its time to buy a real camera .. i always use my mobile's camera
Another-Penelope: Thanks :)
nice its cool
Good brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.
I LOVE AQUARIUMS!! I want to go :(
Helpful blog, bookmarked the website with hopes to read more!
[url=http://www.giantbomb.com/profile/harrypot/blog/]гарри поттер трейлер на русском
Long time no post!
shaii 3ajeeb
ma adrii 5awafnii elmukan
7sait lo eljama tenkser b9eer filim taytanek ;p
Wow mashAllah these are amazing pictures
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