Monday, March 9, 2009

Movie: Marley and Me

A true, beautiful "family/drama/comedy" movie and although I'm not really into family movies but I really enjoyed this one. take your family to the movie and you won't regret it :) more details are here.


Anonymous said...

i loved it, i saw it a month ago.. akeed ykon 3ajeb feeh jennifer shlon may9er nice :P

Bloggylife said...

I'm looking forward to this movie, I think it looks light and entertaining ... 3ad now read the book ;)

Nemo said...

ZoN: it is cute :)

BloggyLife: i told my friend that u recommended the book :) it was a cute movie :)

Charmbracelet said...

i heard it was lame !=(

Nemo said...

really? hmm did they expect something different

its a light/cute family movie

Hashimoto said...

hate these types of movies ,specially when dogs are involved

Zainab Sadiq said...

i was planning 2 go and watch it but when i saw the dog i changed my mind x\

Razz said...

i must watch this movie, i saw the trailer like a month ago

Livingmylife said...

Ah! i cried my eyes out in that movie! and i wasnt the only one crying! so im not an emotional freak!

it was sad =( but i loved every second


Danah said...

I cried SO much at the end because I kept imagining us going through that with our cat when we're/she's older hehe

Anonymous said...

I saw it just 2day , me no likey !
Wayed mga63eena :/

Nemo said...

Hashimoto: me too but i enjoyed this one alot :)

zina: i didnt see a poster when i booked :p but thats good cuz i liked it .. i had no clue what the movie is about :p

On-The-Rocks: tell me what you think when you watch it :)

Livingmylife: lol me too :)

Dandoon: looool

Zabo0o6a: kncc / no comment :p

Journal Entries said...

i'm gonna watch it as soon as i can ;)

Anonymous said...

What are the odds the house maid is gonna water them to death?

Anonymous said...

The downside of tabs :/

I never learn do I? That last comment was for the USB post :P

Kazeh said...

Hmmm, seems everyone recommending this movie.
Guess I'll go =D!