This tool saved me today. I had a piece of java script code that referenced some form variables. the code was okay on Firefox but not on IE. The problem was simply because the form variable (input type=text name=var) was called "var" which is a reserved word in JS :p
That seems cool ;p Thanks :*
Debugging Javascript is always a headache so...
Palomino: glad u liked it ;))
Bashar: it is!! actually the error on IE was
1- Unexpected identifier.
and when i click on any text field the error is ==>
2- Object expected.
in Jslint the error was simply var is a keyword :p
some websites recommend web visual developer
but i only had this small piece of code embedded in pl/sql code .. so i needed something light and fast ...
and you're most welcome :)
my programming days are over a long time ago ;P
But I do remember when a trivial error kept me going round and round ;P
BloggyLife: what r u into now? :p
Java...always gives me a headache!!!
well networks and managing Microsoft infrastructure, firewalls, etc ... stuff that make you wana pull your hair out ;P But isn't that the case of all IT ;D LOL
i'm so not into hardware :p
"stuff that make you wana pull your hair out ;P"
so true :p
You're working on PL/SQL...
Please tell me you don't generate HTML content through PL/SQL, I've seen such implementation, it's disastrous!
Also, please tell me its not the same place :)
Ohh and to jump in between, while I love to be more expert in hardware, it's software where I exhale.
lool yes i do ;(
thats why im trying to learn APEX, future apps will all be developed in APEX (hopefully)
i don't know which place are you talking about? :p
I'm not a fan of Oracle development really. Oracle is quite solid as a DB, and I prefer to use web development frameworks on top of it.
Place... some place to do with registration :P
That APEX looks good on paper for quick internal stuff. Dunno how convenient for outside users :)
Oracle is a "DB"
oracle development? "forms"? w333
I tried JDBC but its so slow ..
althu pl/sql is stupid but its so fast!!! pl/sql is highly recommended if ur app does access the DB a lot
about the place yes :p
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