Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cafe: Living Room [Pictures]

You all must have visited Living Room cafe by now. These are some pictures from the place:

This morning's rain.

Outside view.

Inside view, today I made them play "Fairuz's dvd" twice for me :)
(my favorite lady of all time, I love you)


MBH said...

<3 Fairouz.

I bought her collection box from Virgin for 315KD (63 CDs).

Unfortunately they didn't have anything for Majeda Al-Romi :(

Aurous said...


sha5bary fairouz and majda wlromi :)

that music is priceless :D

Nemo said...

i have to steal it from you then

Nemo said...

Aurous: i can't start my day without listening to fairuz :)

Zainab Sadiq said...

lovvving the outside!

zuz said...

havent visited it yet;p, I LOVE fairuz!! especially sha6 eskendereyaa ya sha6 elhawaa;p et'thakerny eb paris!

Anonymous said...

You see, you look hard for a nice place to read, then you go nicely and tell everyone about it so that it's not quite anymore :)

I found another good way. On the airplane. Take Jazeera low cost tickets back and forth same day. Few hours transit at airport also reading.

You should finish one book that day for say, 10 KD :P


Nosayba El-Sayed said...

Nemo, did you like their coffee, in case you had any? I didn't. It was cold and tasteless.

doona said...

i actually havent been there =\

Razz said...

i love living room, specially when its not crowded

Anonymous said...

Where is it located?

Ansam said...

Its a very nice place... been there once only

Anonymous said...

allaaah i love fairouz!! not a fan of living room though! the philipino manager sucks!;p

eshda3wa said...

i like the place

hate the food !

Fastidious Babe said...

it looks AMAZING! i muuuust check it out! fabulous indeed! x

Nemo said...

zina: you should try it one day :)

zuz: you should try it if you're looking for a fab view :)
food/coffee isn't that good

Bashar: LOOL airplane!!!!
mo nerd, "the ultimate nerd" :p

Nosayba: not really, i go there because of the view :)

ĐǻñĎõøðñ: you should try it :)

On-The-Rocks: true :)

Amu: Marina waves :)

Ansam: it is :)

Even Sweeter: lool shfeeh el manager :p

eshda3wa: lol, i go there for the view :)

Fastidious Babe: you should :)))))

Gee™ said...

3ad 9ej el mkan mal firouz
o m3a el mu6ar ba3ad .. ya salam :p