Sunday, February 22, 2009

Academy Awards Winners

  1. Slumdog Millionaire (8 Awards)
  2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (3 Awards)
  3. Milk (2 Awards)
  4. The Reader (1 Award)
  5. The Dark Knight (2 Awards)
  6. Vicky Cristina Barcelona (1 Award)
  7. The Duchess (1 Award)
  8. WALL.E (1 Award)


Anonymous said...

Slumdog Millionaire 8 oscars!!

I loved the movie bs that was a surpsrise!!

Nemo said...

yeah i was surprised too :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah I was surprised that Slumdog Millionaire recieving 8 oscars...

and I am sad movies like "7 Pounds" for Will Smith and "Yes Man" for Jim Carry could not make it...

I expected leading role for Brad Pitt but he didn't get it too

**Correction** Benjamin Button received 3 Oscars not 4 ;P **Correction**

Nemo said...

Thanks Naseem, mistake corrected :)

i too expected a leading role for Brad Pitt.

i still didn't watch seven pounds or yes man, will be added to my list


Hashimoto said...

8 Oscars for the movie that i haven't seen

Yay batman won 2 oscars and Benjamin won 3

** few days ago someone posted about batman not being nominated for the Oscars

Zainab Sadiq said...

Slumdog Millionaire (8 Awards)?
really?! :O
i know it’s a very good one but it don’t deserve all these awards :P
my sister will be shocked :P she didn’t like it!!!

Anonymous said...

If I was at the voting committee, results would've been different :)

TOOTA said...

i just saw Slumdog Millionaire!!;p i thing it deserves the 8 ocars!!;p

Anonymous said...

yes... I agree that Slumdog dont deserve all those Oscars!!!

for example best directing could have gone for a moves like Batman, or Australia or Benjamin Button

7 pounds for will smith is added to my most fav movies list... yet it was not nominated for anything :(

shamma aldabal said...

i thought it was 10 for slumdog =p
u know i didnt see any of these movies ! =p *shame on me * :P

Nemo said...

Hashimoto: go watch it bl cinema :)
its a nice movie :)

zina: lol i was surprised too but i think maybe we should check the rest of the movies ... maybe this was really the best hmm

Bashar: what was ur best picture for the year? :p

TOOTA: its a beautiful movie :) but we didn't expect 8 :p

Naseem: i wonder why 7 pounds wasn't nominated for anything? when was it released?

libero anima: lol

Razz said...

mashalla 8 oscars,, bas if im not mistaken, few years ago, lord of the ring had 11 oscars mashallla

MeeMzZ said...


loool j/k but the only movie that i really enjoyed is ....the dark night!!;p

نـاقـوس said...

slumdog millionaire .. it deserves more than 8 oscars !
so intersted and i plan to watch it second time !!!

His Sweetheart said...

I just saw The Duchess and loved it!!

Will download the rest, thanks for sharing sugar

Nemo said...

His Sweetheart: glad u liked it :)) enjoy the rest
I'm gonna download too now :)

Anonymous said...

Given that I barely saw a couple on the list, and even if I saw more, I (neutrally) would say WALL-E :D

Heck, I would go vote for best actor from Wall-e as well :P. Well Wall-E did good didn't he? There should be oscar for best animated character right? since there is big difference between how accurate animated characters are!