Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009 Resolutions (1)

In addition =>

Plan all the things I want to do and have the plan/vision board in front of my eyes all the time (as a background maybe), so that I still remember the things I want to do.


Bashar said...

OK. You can have only one resolution post.

Happy new year. For me, it's to:

1- Get more prayers seriously. Last year's been crazy for me
2- Relive the glory programming days
3- Complete my journey to personal business
4- Get back in shape

That's more than enough although seem short :)

Bashar said...

PS: By get back in shape I dont mean lose weight. I am skinny. It's get my fitness back (if I ever had one)

Nemo said...

i forgot to add those lines :p

Wishing you a happy new year :))))
number 2 => Geek :p

Nemo said...

hopefully all your points will come true :), i'll ask you about them lets say in June :p

Bashar said...

Great... now I have a judge :)

I'll be ready

MeeMzZ said...

sisterrrrr you will achieve anything you want only if your mind is set on it!!;p

i do not have any resolutions

i think i am perfect in being me!!;p

zuz said...

enshallah everything will come true for u! o happy new year ;**, i want to be skinnt nafs ayam zaman:P:( thats my resolution;p

Nemo said...

you are always perfect :D, we miss you :) hope u're enjoying the holidays :)

zuz said: thnx dear, inshalla all your wishes will come true this year ;)

doona said...

happy new year sis ;**

Nemo said...

you too dear :)))

Anonymous said...

Shakla il 3omoom il thakera 9aira 0!! :|

Hottie said...

Making lists is one of my favorite things to do... doing what the list says, on the other hand... lol, not as fun.

Hottie said...

Happy New Year!

Nemo said...

ZoN: e wallah true :) happy new year :)

Hottie: lol totally agree :p
i will try to create my own today ...
happy new year :)

Standy said...

nice plan,, i usually write it down on a note book that i never open lool.. i think i should go back to my notes..

Nemo said...

keep it in front of your eyes :p

the notebook thing doesnt work :p

Journal Entries said...

happy new year! =D

Gee™ said...

happy new year .. wish u all the best

PaLoMiNo said...

hmmmm abe ashoof how it will look like ;)

..:: P.ANONYMOUS ::.. said...

Happy New Year .. :D

MacaholiQ8 said...

Happy New Year :)

Anonymous said...

happe new year hun ;* Walla i have no resolutions imkhalyatha 3ala alla ;p

Anonymous said...

Have a healthy and happy 2009!

Good luck with the resolutions!

Nemo said...

A Journal Entry, Gee, P.ANONYMOUS, MacaholiQ8, Even Sweeter, bsanctuary

Happy new year to you too, may all your wishes come true this year :)))


i started to put a plan, im not done yet: example
1) learn a new thing every day => wikipedia
2) read 2 books/month "for example"
3) read 2 pages of quran every day

... still thinking b3d :p

PaLoMiNo said...

Good luck 7ayaty :**

ako ehda'a 7agch in my blog ;p
plz mo 6geeni ;p

Nemo said...

maskeen walla nemo yakser el '7a6er :p

Cr8ivia said...

mashallah ..
1st happy new yr ..
2nd .. a7sidich 3ala ur list ! .. simple .. achievable .. make life easy :/
wish all the best

Razz said...

wishing you all the best, and sorry for being late bas happy belated new year

Nemo said...

Happy new year :) wish you the best too inshallah all ur wishes will come true this year :D if i tried to make it complicated i won't stick to it .. a simple one is always better :)

Happy new year :D wish you the best and may all your wishes come true this year inshallah :)

Razz said...

have a paper stuck to the ceiling of your bed room, so you would see it whenever you wake up in the morning...

happy belated birthday!